Julia Roberts role in 'Shakespeare in Love', eventually played by Gwyneth Paltrow....
"Shakespeare in Love" producer Edward Zwick revealed that Julia Roberts' Universal is "more than $6 million."
The 70-year-old admitted that Roberts took a stab at Daniel Day-Lewis during the casting process and claimed he was the star of the movie.
Zikwick: "Pretty Woman" inspired the studio to cough up dough.
"Great and polite. And so cute!" Roberts informed Zwig. Have you seen "In the Showroom"? He also performed Shakespeare. I don't think it will be perfect? ...According to Zwick, I can.
To convince Day-Lewis to do the job, Roberts asked for two cards to be sent with Daniel Day-Lewis's 'Be Romeo' card. He said he had to cancel the casting.
"Roberts co-starred with actor Paul McGann for two weeks before the audiences agreed. However, there was no 'magic' between the two stars, and Roberts' awkward British accent led to our star's exit." Zwick.
The production company spent $6 million on Roberts' costumes and role, according to then-Universal president Tom Pollock.